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  1. Secret seeds use unique world-generating mechanics that differ from normal seeds. Using a secret seed overrides the normal use of seeds as a source of randomness and two worlds created via the same secret seed will not necessarily be identical. There are currently eight different secret seeds.

  2. Las semillas secretas utilizan una mecánica única de generación de mundos que difiere de las semillas normales. El uso de una semilla secreta anula el uso normal de las semillas como fuente de aleatoriedad y dos mundos creados mediante la misma semilla secreta no serán necesariamente idénticos.

  3. 30 de oct. de 2022 · This seed generates a world dominated by bee-themed biomes and bee-related items and structures. Most of the world is replaced with the Jungle biome, with Hive and Honey Blocks found in abundance, and Larvae spawn throughout the world. The Merchant replaces the Guide as the starting NPC.

  4. As seeds secretas são seeds de easter eggs que geram mundos com características estranhas ou únicas. as seeds secretas podem produzir mundos especiais que podem afetar a mecânica do jogo enquanto se joga nesse mundo.

  5. 5 de jun. de 2021 · Top 4 SEEDS (SEMILLAS) SECRETAS EN TERRARIA - TODAS LAS SEMILLAS ESPECIALES EN TERRARIA 1.4. Si te gusto el video y te caigo bien, porque no darte una vuelta por mi canal de twitch,...

  6. Aquí están todas las semillas secretas que se agregaron con la actualización 1.4. Contenido [ Mostrar] Guía de Secret Seeds. Mundo borracho. Seed 05162020: es un huevo de Pascua creado por los desarrolladores en la actualización

  7. 1 de dic. de 2021 · Seed: for the worthy. This special world's features aim to drastically increase the difficulty of the game. All enemies' contact damage, health and coin drop rates are increased, in addition to the world difficulty multiplier, by their standard amount in a normal world.