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  1. The Nurses are monsters in Silent Hill 3 encountered by Heather Mason, scattered exclusively throughout Brookhaven Hospital. Though it is unknown whether they are pure manifestations or humans transfigured into monsters, their appearance echoes Heather's memories of the nurse Lisa Garland and...

  2. Las Nurses, también llamadas Demon Nurses (Enfermeras Demonio) son monstruos que Heather Mason encuentra en Silent Hill 3. Aunque se desconoce si son manifestaciones puras o humanos transfigurados en monstruos, su apariencia hace eco de los recuerdos que Heather tiene de la enfermera Lisa Garland…

  3. In Silent Hill 3, the nurses are manifested from the mind of the protagonist, Heather, who is actually the reincarnation of Alessa Gillespie; as such, like the first Silent Hill, the nurses' appearance here comes from Heather's hatred of hospitals and her memories of her painful hospitalization.

  4. 19 de ago. de 2019 · C2 In here are three nurses and an AMPOULE (no Ampoule in hard mode). Avoid the nurses and grab the item. Then exit. C HALLWAY Go to C4. C4 Run up to the wall filled with junk. Use the NAIL...

  5. In Silent Hill 3, the nurses are manifested from the mind of the protagonist, Heather, who is in actuality the now-grown Alessa Gillespie; as such, like the first Silent Hill, the nurses' appearance here comes from Heather's hatred of hospitals and her memories of her painful hospitalization.

  6. The Nurses are monsters in Silent Hill 3 encountered by Heather Mason, scattered exclusively throughout Brookhaven Hospital. Though it is unknown whether they are pure manifestations or humans transfigured into monsters, their appearance echoes Heather's memories of the nurse Lisa Garland and...

  7. the presence of nurses is as justified in 3 as in Homecoming (both spent time in hospitals), but there is no reason other than fanservice why Heather's nurses are so sexy. Umm there is...