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  1. Fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), also known as fathead or tuffy, is a species of temperate freshwater fish belonging to the genus Pimephales of the cyprinid family.

  2. Common name: Fathead Minnow. Taxonomy: available through. Identification: Moyle (1976a); Becker (1983); Page and Burr (1991); Etnier and Starnes (1993); Pflieger (1997). Size: 10 cm. Native Range: Over much of North America from Quebec to Northern Territories, and south to Alabama, Texas, and New Mexico (Page and Burr 1991).

  3. Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) Common names: Fathead, black-headed minnow, rosey-red. The fathead minnow is an ideal baitfish species for pond stocking, and due to its many positive attributes is the most recommended baitfish as a purely forage species.

  4. Fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), also known as fathead or tuffy, is a species of temperate freshwater fish belonging to the genus Pimephales of the cyprinid family.

  5. 24 de nov. de 2023 · The Fathead Minnow, or more scientifically known as Pimephales Promelas, is a species of the cyprinid family. They originate from North America and Canada but can be found all the way down to Mexico. They are commonly found in many small rivers and ponds and are able to tolerate more extreme conditions unlike other freshwater fish.

  6. 31 de dic. de 2012 · P. promelas, commonly known as the fathead minnow, is a small-bodied, short-lived, nest guarding cyprinid fish. It is one of the most widely distributed fishes in North America and its native range covers large expanses from the Rocky Mountains in Canada south to Texas and northern Mexico.

  7. The Fathead Minnow, also known by its binomial nomenclature, Pimephales promelas, is native to North America and Canada. Contents show. This minnow species is a freshwater fish, and it’s kept both as an aquarium fish and a feeder fish for larger aquarium inhabitants.