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  1. Kathryn Janeway es una oficial de la Flota Estelar, conocida sobre todo por servir como Capitán de la nave USS Voyager. Se convirtió en la primera capitana de la Federación en conseguir atravesar con éxito el Cuadrante Delta, encontrándose con docenas de nuevos planetas y civilizaciones en el…

  2. Kathryn Janeway, interpretada por Kate Mulgrew, es el personaje principal de la Serie de televisión Star Trek: Voyager. Janeway, es la primera mujer en ser el personaje principal de una serie de Star Trek. Ella es la Capitán de la nave de la Flota Estelar USS Voyager (NCC-74656).

  3. Kathryn Janeway is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. She was the main character of the television series Star Trek: Voyager, which aired between 1995 and 2001. She served as the captain of the Starfleet starship USS Voyager while it was lost in the Delta Quadrant on the other side of the galaxy.

  4. Admiral Kathryn M. Janeway was a 24th and early 25th century Starfleet officer. One of the most decorated captains in Starfleet history, she was most noted for commanding the starship USS Voyager during its journey through the Delta Quadrant. Her captaincy of Voyager and its unprecedented...

  5. Captain Kathryn Janeway ( 2371 ). Kathryn Margaret Janeway was a Human woman in Starfleet during the 24th century. In 2371, she assumed command of the Federation starship USS Voyager, which was shortly thereafter pulled into the Delta Quadrant.

  6. Capitán de la nave USS Voyager. Asumió el comando de dicha nave en 2371. Su primera misión fue la de perseguir a una nave Maquis y capturarla; para ello le ofreció a un ex oficial de la flota su libertad a cambio de ayudar en la misión.

  7. Star Trek: Voyager follows Captain Kathryn Janeway and her crew as they find themselves on a 70-year journey home from a remote part of the Galaxy. 7 seasons • 172 episodes • 1995-2001.