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  1. Easter Island covers just 63 square miles. It lies 2,150 miles west of South America and 1,300 miles east of Pitcairn, its nearest inhabited neighbor. After it was settled, it remained...

  2. 5 de jun. de 2018 · Easter Island’s dramatic history is echoed in the local Rapa Nui tongue. Today, the language is severely endangered, but determined islanders refuse to let it disappear.

  3. Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is a small (164 km 2) and remote Pacific island formed by the coalescence of three volcanic cones. The interior uplands are dominated by the Terevaka volcano (511 m elevation) to the north, and the rest of the island is characterized mostly by lowlands.

  4. 31 de jul. de 1995 · In just a few centuries, the people of Easter Island wiped out their forest, drove their plants and animals to extinction, and saw their complex society spiral into chaos and cannibalism. Are we about to follow their lead?

  5. 19 de nov. de 2019 · Easter Island is Earth writ small. In 2003, Diamond gave a lecture called, "Why Do Some Societies make Disastrous Decisions?" recorded and transcribed by Edge. Here is a lengthy excerpt that discusses the questions that guided Diamond's "collapse" thesis for Easter Island (emphasis mine):

  6. 19 de jul. de 2016 · Hidden in volcanic caves that dot the island, the endemic insects of Rapa Nui eke out an existence in an increasingly imperiled habitat. Their ancestral homes, fragile gardens of moss and ferns, are endangered by tourists flooding into the tiny island, and hordes of invasive species threaten to crowd them out.

  7. 18 de jul. de 2016 · Easter Island, where the bacterium that makes rapamycin was first isolated, is most famous for the 887 ancient giant statues, called moai, that line its shores. On a snowy November day in 1964, a team of about 40 doctors and scientists boarded the Royal Canadian Navy’s H.M.C.S. Cape Scott in Halifax, Nova Scotia.