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  1. Olivia Shakespear (née Tucker; 17 March 1863 – 3 October 1938) was a British novelist, playwright, and patron of the arts. She wrote six books that are described as "marriage problem" novels. Her works sold poorly, sometimes only a few hundred copies. Her last novel, Uncle Hilary, is considered her magnum opus.

  2. 2 de ago. de 2021 · Espejito, espejito. En torno a «La hora de la belleza», de Olivia Shakespear. Escrito por Mario Guerrero el 2 agosto, 2021. «¿Quién es la más bella del reino?», se preguntaba la bruja de Blancanieves. Desde entonces, ¿cuántos rostros habrán buscado algún rasgo de belleza en su reflejo en el cristal?

  3. Olivia is a fictional character from William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night, believed to have been written around 1600 or 1601. She is at the centre of the various plots, both the comedic and the romantic.

  4. Desde un cinismo y una sutileza impresionantes, este eco-thriller feminista y distópico no tiene piedad con sus personajes ni con el lector. La turista es una novela-bisturí, un artefacto tan inofensivo que parece imposible que corte tan profundo. Ver libro.

  5. 18 de feb. de 2019 · Pictured are the newly acquired letters between WB Yeats and his first lover and close friend, the English writer Olivia Shakespear (1863-1938) at the National Library of Ireland (NLI). The letters date from 1895 to 1936 and most are from Yeats to Shakespear.

  6. Abstract. Olivia Shakespear was born on 17 March 1863, at Southlands, Chale, on the Isle of Wight. Her father, Major-General Henry Tod Tucker, C.B. (1808–1896), was commissioned into the Bengal Infantry in 1824 and served on Headquarters staff in both Sikh Wars.

  7. ARENÓS, PAU. Un homenaje a todos esos pequeños detalles cotidianos que nos hacen amar la vida. Hacer listas y tacharlas, ponerse el pijama al llegar a casa, lavar el coche, descorchar una botella de vino y servirse una copa... Se cuentan por cientos los pequeños gestos capaces de sacarnos una sonrisa cada día.