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  1. › wiki › Otto_HersingOtto Hersing - Wikipedia

    Otto Hersing (30 November 1885 – 1 July 1960) was a German naval officer who served as U-boat commander in the Kaiserliche Marine and the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine during World War I. In September 1914, while in command of the German U-21 submarine, he became famous for the first sinking of an enemy ship by a self-propelled locomotive torpedo .

  2. Hersing was known amongst his collegues as the "Zerstörer der Schlachtschiffe" - destroyer of battleships. His first victim was HMS Pathfinder, a light cruiser of 2,940 tons which he torpedoed off St. Abb's Head on the east coast of Scotland on the 5th September 1914 with U21.

  3. Otto Hersing (* 30. November 1885 in Mülhausen; † 5. Juli 1960 in Angelmodde) war ein deutscher Marineoffizier und während des Ersten Weltkriegs Kommandant des U-Bootes SM U 21. Hersing erlangte dadurch Berühmtheit, dass er der erste U-Boot-Kommandant war, der per Torpedo-Schuss ein feindliches Schiff versenkte. Otto Hersing (1916)

  4. Otto Hersing sería el segundo oficial de la recién nacida fuerza submarina alemana en ser condecorado con la máxima distinción militar, la Pour le Merité, el 5 de junio de 1915.

  5. 26 de may. de 2023 · Under the command of Lieutenant Commander Otto Hersing U-21 was the first German submarine to make the voyage from Wilhelmshaven to Constantinople via Cattaro and the first submarine to sink a ship using self propelled torpedos.

  6. Otto Hersing sería el segundo oficial de la recién nacida fuerza submarina alemana en ser condecorado con la máxima distinción militar, la Pour le Merité, el 5 de junio de 1915.

  7. 12 de sept. de 2014 · On 5 September 1914 U-21, commanded by Kapitänleutnant Otto Hersing, torpedoed and sank the scout cruiser HMS Pathfinder, leader of the Eighth Destroyer Flotilla, off St Abbs Head on the south east coast of Scotland.