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  1. Tatiana Evgenievna Botkina-Melnik (1898–1986) was the daughter of court physician Eugene Botkin, who was killed along with Tsar Nicholas II and his family by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918.

  2. Tatiana Ievguenievna Melnik-Botkina (en russe : Татьяна Евгеньевна Мельник-Боткина), née le 9 septembre 1898 à Saint-Pétersbourg et morte le 1 er avril 1986 à Fontenay-aux-Roses [1]. Fille de Ievgueni Botkine, médecin de la famille impériale de Russie depuis 1908, fusillé par les Bolchéviks le 17 juillet 1918.

  3. “De repente, Alexéi no pudo volver a caminar”, escribió en sus memorias Tatiana Bótkina, una médica que ayudó a los Romanov en Tobolsk (2.300 kilómetros al este de Moscú). “Sufrió mucho de una...

  4. 30 de oct. de 2017 · Growing up at the court of tsar Nicholas II, Tatiana Botkina's childhood was one of splendour. But like so many others whose lives were torn apart by Russia's 1917 revolution, she would...

  5. Tatiana Ievguenievna Melnik-Botkina-(en ruso : Татьяна Евгеньевна Мельник-Боткина), nacida en 1898 en San Petersburgo, murió en Abril de 1986 en Paris. Hija de Yevgeny Botkin, médico de la familia imperial rusa desde 1908, fusilado por los bolcheviques el 17 de julio de 1918.

  6. Tatiana Evgenievna Botkina-Melnik,, was the daughter of court physician Eugene Botkin, who was killed along with Tsar Nicholas II and his family by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918.

  7. Tatiana Evgenievna Botkina-Melnik (1898–1986) was the daughter of court physician Eugene Botkin, who was killed along with Tsar Nicholas II and his family by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918.