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  1. Eduard Franz Joseph Graf von Taaffe, 11º Vizconde Taaffe (24 de febrero de 1833 - 29 de noviembre de 1895) fue un estadista austriaco, quien sirvió durante dos mandatos como Ministro-Presidente de la Cisleitania, liderando los gabinetes entre 1868 y 1870 y entre 1879 y 1893.

  2. Eduard Franz Joseph Graf von Taaffe, 11th Viscount Taaffe (24 February 1833 – 29 November 1895) was an Austrian statesman, who served for two terms as Minister-President of Cisleithania, leading cabinets from 1868 to 1870 and 1879 to 1893.

  3. Eduard Franz Joseph Graf von Taaffe, 11º Vizconde Taaffe (24 de febrero de 1833 - 29 de noviembre de 1895) fue un estadista austriaco, quien sirvió durante dos mandatos como Ministro-Presidente de la Cisleitania, liderando los gabinetes entre 1868 y 1870 y entre 1879 y 1893.

  4. Eduard Franz Joseph Graf Taaffe (* 24. Februar 1833 in Wien; † 29. November 1895 in Ellischau, Böhmen) war ein österreichischer Staatsmann, konservativer Sozialreformer, Ministerpräsident Cisleithaniens, mehrfach Minister sowie Landespräsident in Salzburg, Statthalter in Österreich ob der Enns und später Statthalter in Tirol.

  5. Eduard Graf Taaffe, 11th Viscount Taaffe had a distinguished political career in the service of the Habsburgs and served for two terms as Minister-President of Austria under Emperor Francis Joseph I, leading cabinets from 1868 to 1870 and 1879 to 1893.

  6. An aristocrat by birth, his instinct was pro-democracy and he wanted to draw more people into the political process. Taaffe played an important role in beginning a process of democratic transformation in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire that responded to the winds of change blowing across Europe.

  7. Eduard, count von Taaffe was a statesman and twice prime minister of Austria (1868–70 and 1879–93) who controlled most of the empire’s quarreling nationalities and forged a conservative coalition that remained in power longer than any other ministry during the reign of the emperor Francis Joseph.