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  1. 23 de oct. de 2022 · Wang Shizhen, who came to dominate literary and cultural circles for twenty years, especially admired Jin and Tang dynasty calligraphy, Song dynasty painting, and Song porcelain, and he advocated visual culture as a testimony to history.

  2. 王世贞1526年12月8日1590年12月23日),字元美号凤洲又号弇州山人南直隶苏州府太仓州 江苏省 太仓市明代文学家史学家。 嘉靖 二十六年(1547年)进士,先后任职 大理寺左寺 、 刑部员外郎 和郎中、山东按察副使青州兵备使、浙江左参政、山西 按察使 , 万历 时期历任湖广按察使、广西右 布政使 ,郧阳 巡抚 ,后因恶 张居正 被罢归故里,张居正死后,王世贞起复为应天府尹、南京 兵部侍郎 ,累官至南京 刑部尚书 ,卒赠 太子少保 。 [31-32] 王世贞与李攀龙、徐中行、梁有誉、宗臣、谢榛、吴国伦合称“ 后七子 ”。 李攀龙 故后,王世贞独领文坛二十年,著有《 弇州山人四部稿 》《 弇山堂别集 》《 嘉靖以来首辅传 》《 艺苑卮言 》《 觚不觚录 》等。

  3. This special exhibition examines the fascinating life of Wang Shizhen and his endeavors, offering a glimpse at the cultural efflorescence of the late Ming that bore witness to exceptional creativity and diverse competition in cultural life at the time.

  4. › wiki › Wang_ShizhenWang Shizhen - Wikipedia

    Wang Shizhen is the name of: Wang Shizhen (Tang dynasty) (759–809), Tang dynasty warlord, de facto ruler of Chengde. Wang Shizhen (Ming dynasty) (1526–1590), Ming dynasty poet, writer, artist and litterateur.

  5. 27 de may. de 2016 · Wang Shizhen 王世貞 (1526-1590), courtesy name Yuanmei 元美, style Fengzhou 鳳洲 or Yanzhou shanren 弇州山人, was a writer and historian of the late Ming period (1368-1644). He hailed from Taicang 太倉, Jiangsu and obtained his jinshi degree in 1547.

  6. 22 de abr. de 2021 · The officials demanded that Wang Zhens properties be confiscated and his lineage exterminated, so that justice could be delivered to the realm in the wake of an existential crisis. See: Yingzong shilu 英宗实录, 181.3520–3525.

  7. 28 de mar. de 2023 · Wang Shizhen 王世贞 (1526-1590) fue un prolífico poeta y escritor de la dinastía Ming y una figura dominante en la literatura china de finales del siglo XVI.