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  1. Ernest Overton, uno de los pioneros en la investigación de las membranas lipídicas, presentó la primera teoría integral de la estructura de las membranas de este tipo. Sus trabajos sentaron las bases para construir los conceptos modernos de la función de la membrana, especialmente importante en el caso de la anestesia.

  2. J. David Robertson used this method to propose the unit membrane model. Basically, he suggested that all cellular membranes share a similar underlying structure, the unit membrane. Using heavy metal staining, Robertson's proposal also seemed to agree instantaneously with the Davson-Danielli model.

  3. En 1895, Overton presumió la existencia de una membrana de naturaleza lipídica en la célula debido a que la superficie celular es fácilmente traspasada por lípidos y muy resistente al paso de corriente eléctrica.

  4. Ernest Overton (a distant cousin of Charles Darwin) first proposed the concept of a lipid (oil) plasma membrane in 1899. The major weakness of the lipid membrane was the lack of an explanation of the high permeability to water, so Nathansohn (1904) proposed the mosaic theory.

  5. 1 de dic. de 1997 · In a series of three lectures in 1895-1899, Charles Ernest Overton (1865-1933) pioneered three fundamental concepts of the structure and function of cell membranes: 1) the lipid theory of cell permeability, 2) the lipid theory of narcosis, and 3) the involvement of an Na + /K + exchange in muscle and nerve excitability.

  6. 12 de mar. de 2015 · Thanks to the eponymous rule, Charles Ernst Overton (1865–1933) enjoys together with Hans Horst Meyer (1853–1939) the highest name recognition where anesthetic mechanisms are concerned (Fig. 1). It may therefore come as a surprise, especially for clinicians, that the work underlying Overton's contribution to the Meyer–Overton rule was ...

  7. 1 de ene. de 1999 · This chapter discusses the Charles Ernest Overton's concept of a cell membrane. Overton presented his views on the osmotic properties of cells and established several milestones in the field: (1) A “lipid-impregnated boundary layer” is a determinant of the osmotic properties of living cells.