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  1. Prince Alexander Nikitich Romanov (4 November 1929 – 22 September 2002) was a member of the Romanov family. He was a son of Prince Nikita Alexandrovich of Russia and a great nephew of Nicholas II of Russia, the last Tsar.

  2. 21 de oct. de 2022 · On October 21, 2022, Our daughter-in-law, Her Serene Highness Princess Victoria Romanovna, the spouse of Our son and heir His Imperial Highness The Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia, was delivered of a son, Our grandson, who has been given the name Alexander.

  3. 2 de oct. de 2021 · Un descendiente de la monarquía rusa Romanov, que fue derrocada en la revolución de 1917, se casó en una lujosa ceremonia en San Petersburgo. El gran duque Jorge Mijáilovich Romanov y su ...

  4. 7 de dic. de 2022 · George Romanov, 40, and his wife Victoria, also 40, who wed last year in St Petersburg and live in Moscow, released photos of themselves with their son, Prince Alexandre Georgievitch Romanov,...

  5. 8 de dic. de 2022 · 08/12/2022 - 17:16. Los grandes duques de Rusia, Jorge Mijailovich y Rebecca Bettarini, celebraron el bautizo de su primogénito, el príncipe Alexander, en la catedral de Moscú el pasado 6 de...

  6. 28 de nov. de 2021 · His father, Prince Andrei Alexandrovich (1897-1981), left Russia aboard the Royal Navy ship HMS Marlborough in December 1918 and managed to escape the horrors the Revolution visited upon those...

  7. La princesa Victoria Romanovna (Rebecca Virginia Bettarini; Roma, Italia; 18 de mayo de 1982) es una empresaria y filántropa italiana. Es miembro de la Dinastía Románov por su matrimonio con Jorge Mijáilovich, heredero de los derechos dinásticos al Trono de Rusia .