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  1. Wuhan University Academician Li Deren wins China's top National Science and Technology Award

  2. La Universidad de Wuhan (WHU; en chino tradicional, 武漢大學; en chino simplificado, 武汉大学; pinyin, Wǔhàn Dàxué; coloquialmente 武大, Pinyin: Wǔdà) está localizada en Wuhan, Hubei, China, y está administrado por el Ministerio de Educación de la República Popular China.

  3. Wuhan University (WHU; 武汉大学) is a public university in Wuhan, Hubei, China. It is affiliated with and funded by the Ministry of Education of China. The university is part of Project 985, Project 211, and the Double First-Class Construction.

  4. WUHAN UNIVERSITY 2023 Chinese Government Scholarship---High Level Postgraduate Program Admission Guide. Learn More

  5. 学术动态 academic 更多. 我校举办“凤凰人才创新创业论坛”. 第二届中国公司金融夏季论坛在我校举办. 武汉大学首届极地多学科交叉论坛召开. 专家学者珞珈共议智能时代地图学和地理信息系统的创新发展. 闵杰课题组实现有机太阳能电池主要组分材料高效回收 ...

  6. › enWuhan University

    The basic eligibility criteria for recruitment of bachelor degree students and master & PhD students by Wuhan University are published on the admission website of School of International...

  7. Wuhan University (WHU) is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985...