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  1. › wiki › SlumlordSlumlord - Wikipedia

    A slumlord (or slum landlord) is a slang term for a landlord, generally an absentee landlord with more than one property, who attempts to maximize profit by minimizing spending on property maintenance, and to tenants that they can intimidate.

  2. Traducción de 'slumlord' en el diccionario gratuito de inglés-español y muchas otras traducciones en español.

  3. a person who rents out houses and flats that are in poor areas and in poor condition, often charging unfairly high rents: The mayor said he was pleased with the progress the District has made in compelling slumlords to improve substandard living conditions.

  4. Slumlord se refiere a un propietario que se beneficia de propiedades deficientes y, a menudo, inseguras o insalubres, priorizando las ganancias sobre el bienestar de los inquilinos.

  5. Traducciones en contexto de "slumlord" en inglés-español de Reverso Context: I was said to be a rich slumlord.

  6. A slumlord is a derogatory term for a landlord, generally an absentee landlord with more than one property, who attempts to maximize profit by minimizing spending on property maintenance, often in deteriorating neighborhoods. They may need to charge lower than market rent to tenants.

  7. slumlord n: informal (landlord of squalid housing) dueño de un tugurio grupo nom