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  1. The Politics of Anti-Semitism is a book edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair and published by AK Press in 2003.

  2. Anti-Zionism vs. antisemitism. Amid demonstrations in support of Palestinians, many are now grappling with the question of when, or if, anti-Zionism is antisemitic.

  3. How Anti-Semitism Rises on the Left and Right. By Isaac Chotiner. January 2, 2020. To what extent can anti-Jewish violence be tied to other hate crimes, and to what extent should it be...

  4. Abstract. Some historians perceive hatred of the Jews to be an ‘eternal’ racism that, in spite of minor shifts in its formulation, can be traced back over two millennia as a central and abiding component of European culture.

  5. Anti-Semitism is hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. The term was coined in 1879 to designate contemporary anti-Jewish campaigns in central Europe. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, was an outgrowth of 19th-century ‘scientific racism.’.

  6. As the world watched fighting rage in Israel and Gaza, US Jews endured an increase in anti-Semitic attacks on a scale not seen during previous Middle East conflicts.

  7. Anti-Semitism, Zionism and the changing politics of the left. The intricate, complex ties of Jewishness with democracy and Israel are addressed in three challenging books.