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  1. Pauline Fourès (March 15, 1778 – March 18, 1869), born Pauline Bellisle, was a French painter and novelist best known for being a mistress of Napoleon Bonaparte .

  2. Pauline Fourès dite la Bellilote, née Bellisle le 15 mars 1778 à Pamiers et morte le 18 mars 1869 à Paris 8e, est une peintre, romancière, musicienne et écrivaine française. Elle est connue pour avoir été la maîtresse de Napoléon Bonaparte 1 .

  3. 8 de nov. de 2023 · La historia de Pauline Fourès es emblemática de cómo las mujeres de la época napoleónica, a menudo relegadas a roles secundarios por los historiadores, vivieron vidas ricas y complejas y desempeñaron papeles significativos en los eventos de su tiempo.

  4. Pauline Fourès, née Marguerite-Pauline Bellisle, Napoleon’s lover. Stendhal or real life? If we are to believe Frédéric Masson, then the truth of the life-story of Pauline Fourès is indeed stranger than fiction.

  5. Pauline Foures, one of the longest surviving participants in Bonaparte's Egyptian adventure, led a colourful later life. She was a painter, a harp player, wrote two novels, startled the residents of Craponne by taking her small dog to Mass on Sundays and, in 1816 married an ex-guards officer and moved to Brazil to sell exotic wood to France.

  6. 16 de nov. de 2023 · En represalia y buscando provocar un ataque de celos a su esposa, cortejó a Pauline Fourès, la mujer de un teniente de caballería y que fue conocida como "Cleopatra". Al regresar a Francia en...

  7. 22 de oct. de 2017 · By November 30 Cairo had sufficiently returned to normality to allow Napoleon to open the Tivoli pleasure gardens, where he noticed an ‘exceedingly pretty and lively young woman’ called Pauline Fourès, the twenty-year-old wife of a lieutenant in the 22nd Chasseurs, Jean-Noël Fourès.