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  1. As the borders of the empire continuously expanded and the population steadily grew, cities in the Roman Empire were exposed to a multitude of diseases. There were a variety of potential causes of these diseases present in the highly dense and quickly growing society's way of living.

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  3. 10 de ene. de 2022 · Roman Coronagraph Instrument Update. Vanessa Bailey Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology ExoPAG 25; Jan 10, 2022. Many slides borrowed from prior talks, incl. from Dominic Benford, Jeremy Kasdin, Bertrand Mennesson, ….

  4. 7 de jul. de 2022 · The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's (Roman) Coronagraph Instrument is a technology demonstration equipped to achieve flux contrast levels of up to 10. This precision depends upon the quality of observations and their resultant on-sky corrections via an absolute flux calibration (AFC).

  5. › wiki › Roman_glassRoman glass - Wikipedia

    Flux: This ingredient was used to lower the melting point of the silica to form glass. Analysis of Roman glass has shown that soda (sodium carbonate) was used exclusively in glass production. During this period, the primary source of soda was natron, a naturally occurring salt found in dry lake beds.

  6. The Antonine plague occurred during the last years of what is called the Pax Romana, the high point in the influence, territorial control, and population of the Roman Empire. Historians differ in their opinions of the impact of the plague on the empire in the increasingly troubled eras after its appearance.

  7. The alumina contents vary, from around 3% in glasses from the western Roman Empire, and lower in glasses from the middle eastern Roman Empire. Flux: This ingredient lowers the melting point of the silica to form glass. Analysis of Roman glass has shown soda (sodium carbonate) being used exclusively.