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  1. Hace 3 días · Still others depict the physical and psychological destruction that warfare causes to soldiers, innocent civilians, and humanity as a whole. Many of these songs are considered protest songs, and some have been embraced by war-weary people, various peace movements, and peace activists.

  2. 2 de jul. de 2024 · We must unite against racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism. We must vehemently defend the right to protest and want to see those hundreds of thousands who have been demonstrating in recent months over Palestine on the streets on 27 July to unite against the fascist threat.

  3. Hace 6 días · The Global Project Against Hate and Extremism’s mission is to strengthen and educate a diverse global community committed to exposing and countering racism, bigotry, and hatred; and to promote human rights values that support flourishing, inclusive societies and democracies.

  4. This is not a mass hate crime - they have a legitimate grievance. The event going on at the synagogue was organized by My Israel Home, a firm that markets real estate in Israel and West Bank settlements (illegal settlements) and was advertising on social media.

  5. 20 de jun. de 2024 · In a nationally representative poll of 2,104 people for HOPE not hate Charitable Trust by Panel Base between 17-18 June 2020, we found that 70% of 18-24 year olds supported the anti-racist BLM protests in response to the murder of George Floyd, but only 37% of those over-65 felt the same.

  6. Hace 2 días · Protests in California were marred by racial incidents. Due to their support of Proposition 8, reported as high as 70 percent, some African Americans attending events were allegedly subjected to racial epithets and felt threatened.

  7. 17 de jun. de 2024 · Policing scholars and lawyers say the Toronto police have undermined Charter-protected rights of protest and expression by missapplying “hate crime” charges, with some saying the aim is “strategic incapacitation” of a growing Palestinian solidarity movement.