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  1. 26 de jun. de 2024 · Mumla — Mumble VoIP APP. Mumla is a client for the voice chat system Mumble. Connect to one of the many public Mumble-servers run by the community, or host one yourself (see for more info). Mumla is an updated and maintained version (a fork) of the app Plumble.

  2. Hace 5 días · Si estás buscando una alternativa con gran compatibilidad para diferentes códecs de audio, aquí encontrarás compatibilidades para Opus, CELT y Speex, algunos de los principales códecs de sonido. Eso sí, únicamente está disponible en Android. Download QR-Code. Mumla — Mumble VoIP.

  3. 7 de jul. de 2024 · Supporting this talking scripts: pma voice, saltychat, mumble voip. Izzy Shop Advanced Radio. You can connect to any radio code in your favorite list. There is a volume up/down option on the left side. You can open your own encrypted channel. If that channel is in active use, you cannot open your private channel.

  4. 4 de jul. de 2024 · With Mumble 1.5 you can use the positional data viewer inside Mumble to see whether the coordinates are updated when you walk around in the game. If they seem correct, I don't see a reason why positional audio shouldn't work as expected.

  5. 6 de jul. de 2024 · Description I want to switch to mysql database from sqlite. I have edited the mumble_server.ini file and uncommented these lines with appropriate values: dbDriver=QMYSQL database=mumble dbHost=ip dbPort=3306 dbUsername=username dbPasswor...

  6. 26 de jun. de 2024 · Chat de voz en servidores Mumble

  7. 26 de jun. de 2024 · Voice chat on Mumble servers