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  1. El Cessna Skymaster es un avión civil bimotor utilitario construido en una configuración mixta tracción-empuje. En lugar de montar los motores en las alas, uno va montado en el morro y otro en la parte trasera del fuselaje.

  2. The 1965 model year brought major changes to the Skymaster, which led to a new model number, 337, being assigned. The most significant change was the addition of retractable undercarriage similar to that of the Cessna 210 Centurion, which sat four inches lower than the 336 for ease of entry/exit.

  3. The 337 Super Skymaster was introduced in 1965. The 337 had retractable landing gear and a dorsal air scoop for the rear engine. A turbocharged variant (T337) was introduced in 1966 and a pressurized variant (P337G) was introduced in 1973.

  4. The Cessna 337 Skymaster is an American twin-engine civil utility aircraft designed in a push-pull configuration. It was considered the most commercially successful push-pull aircraft attempt in terms of numbers produced.

  5. The Cessna 337 Skymasters high wing design contributes to two characteristics that, as far as I can tell, owners love. One is that it provides excellent visibility and field of vision (thus its usage as an observation aircraft), and the other is that it aids in stability.

  6. Es por esto que la Armada de Chile cuenta con distintos elementos para cumplir este rol, siendo uno de ellos la Aeronave O-2A "Skymaster". Esta aeronave está posicionada estratégicamente en los lugares de mayor actividad marítima, conformando parte de los distintos Destacamentos y Fuerzas Aeronavales con que cuenta la Aviación Naval.

  7. 28 de ene. de 2016 · These new airplanes were so unique that the FAA eventually created a new multi-engine rating for “centerline” thrust aircraft, a concept that the Cessna Skymaster originated. A year into production, Cessna re-released the Skymaster 337 with more powerful engines and retractable gear.