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  1. Hace 3 días · Evita retorcerte los dedos, morderte las uñas o cruzar los brazos, en su lugar usa tus manos para ilustrar lo que vas diciendo. Haz un llamado a la acción: Al finalizar tu Pitch, utiliza una frase poderosa que motive a los inversionistas a indagar más sobre tu propuesta y para que se sientan entusiasmados por invertir y ser parte de tu ...

  2. 13 de jun. de 2024 · A pitch deck is a presentation that founders use to explain their business model or idea to potential investors. And why investors should consider funding the venture. A pitch deck alone won’t help you secure funding.

  3. Hace 4 días · Lo mismo ocurre durante un pitch. Sonreír a las personas que te escuchan puede romper el hielo de inmediato. En automático, caes bien y te ganas su simpatía (además, sonreír libera endorfinas, lo que mejora tu estado de ánimo). No forces el querer hacerte el chistoso, especialmente si no es algo que te sale de manera natural.

  4. 17 de jun. de 2024 · Your pitch deck is your business's elevator pitch on steroids. Its main goals are to attract investors, showcase your company’s unique value, and secure those all-important follow-up meetings. It should generate buzz and convince investors that your startup has the chops to be profitable and grow.

  5. Hace 5 días · In the dynamic world of startups and entrepreneurship, making a compelling pitch is crucial for securing funding and support. The art of crafting an effective pitch deck has evolved, with AI-powered tools revolutionizing the way entrepreneurs and businesses present their ideas.

  6. Hace 4 días · A consulting pitch deck is a presentation that provides an overview of a consultant’s services, capabilities, and qualifications. It is used to explain why the consultant is the best choice for a particular project or engagement.

  7. Hace 6 días · This guide is meticulously designed to walk you through each aspect of creating a compelling EdTech pitch deck. From understanding the nuances of the market and articulating a unique value proposition, to presenting data-driven insights and outlining scalable business models, we’ve got you covered.

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