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  1. 27 de jun. de 2024 · Hannah Arendt has made her irreplaceable contribution to the understanding of the Augustinian concept of caritas in her work with the title Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin, Versuch einer Philosophischen Interpretation (1929). She treats the central question of whether for Augustine love towards neighbors has an independent value.

  2. 27 de jun. de 2024 · As Aixin Hu (2022) argues, the deepest problem of the Augustinian concept of love is how the diferent forms of love, the love of God, the love of neighbors, the love of the world, the love of oneself, etc., could be included in a single concept of love.

  3. Hace 3 días · Her dissertation was entitled Love and Saint Augustine, and her supervisor was the existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers. Hannah Arendt married Günther Stern in 1929 but soon began to encounter increasing antisemitism in the 1930s Nazi Germany.

  4. Hace 5 días · In due course Hannah left Heidegger behind and went to study with Karl Jaspers for her PhD. Interestingly, she wrote her thesis on Love and Saint Augustine. Dr. Arendt is fully conversant with Christian Theology, its history, and content. She is best known, however, for more current events.

  5. 27 de jun. de 2024 · Tian, S. The Augustinian Concept of Love: From Hannah Arendts Interpretation to Impartial Love of Mozi. Religions 2024, 15, 782.

  6. 14 de jun. de 2024 · Hannah Arendt, una de las filósofas más influyentes del siglo XX, nos ofrece una visión reveladora sobre la felicidad y la esencia de la condición humana. En su obra, Arendt nos invita a explorar profundamente la naturaleza de nuestro ser y a cuestionar las nociones tradicionales de felicidad.

  7. Hace 6 días · HANNAH ARENDT: VITA ACTIVA Vs. VITA CONTEMPLATIVA. Su preferencia existencial por la vida activa ( bios polítikós) frente a la vida contemplativa ( bios teorétikós ), dan fe de su pasión...