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  1. 23 de oct. de 2011 · 0. An "average" person is a normal person BY DEFINITION. "Normal" means "close to" average (in statistics), but plus or minus. It is this "plus or minus" part that allows "normal" to be NOT average. Even so, it would mean that the deviation from average is a "normal" or usual amount, and not "way out." Share.

  2. 8 de sept. de 2014 · Ordinary is (marginally) better than normal, as a normal person may be successful or unsuccessful, while an ordinary person is average, middle of the road, which implies neither very successful nor very unsuccessful. It seems to me, however, that neither of these words fill your need.

  3. 22 个回答. 英剧BBC的剧本一直都在线,讲故事的一把好手,特别是对普罗大众的情感描述,总是引人入胜。. 这两年自媒体平台也迎来了崛起,青少年题材这两年有网飞的sex education关注特定方面的教育,是好剧,今年hulu的normal people也让人眼前一亮,故事很细腻 ...

  4. Normal People已经成为我最爱的剧了。整部剧集完全没有跌宕的情节,每一集都是平淡温和的叙事,甚至大多时候连叙事都没有,而是在无声中特写人物的内心和情绪。

  5. 这一点玛丽安变成了从前的康奈尔,而康奈尔变成了以前的玛丽安。. 玛丽安和康奈尔的关系是复杂的。. 这部剧中呈现的主线是他们的爱从一开始的幼稚,不平等(康奈尔下课就去找玛丽安,但不愿意在公共场合与她说话并同时与其他女孩子暧昧)到最后的相对 ...

  6. Growing up in pain, they are normal. Pretending to fit in, they are people. Maybe most people think they are abnormal. But in their eyes, they are normal people to each other. Shared experiences set them apart from others. 分割线——————————— 补充一下剧的结尾男女主的再次分离,人懒就直接截图评论 ...

  7. 6. “《normal people》里最喜欢的!因为这让我想起康奈尔和玛丽安灵魂伴侣间莞尔一笑。的确,也让我想起我们曾经自己的康奈尔或玛丽安,虽然听起来像是悲伤的,但是我知道曾经的你我也惺惺相惜。”——————出自网易云音乐里我的评论嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻:-P

  8. 上线至今,豆瓣评分 8.9 —— 《普通人》 Normal People. 这部剧由流媒体Hulu与英国的BBC联合出品。. 第一季一共 12集,目前已经整季放出,一口气追完无压力。. 改编自女作家 萨莉·鲁尼 的同名畅销小说,原著讲述了一对男女从高中到大学分分合合的青春爱情故事 ...

  9. normal; common; For example: "regular coffee" (not usual, normal or ordinary) , "ordinary people" (not regular), "usual way to do something" (sometimes "common way"). Please help me understand the difference between these words.

  10. 一个梅吹. 这是两个人互相治愈对方的结果。. 玛丽安一直不相信自己值得被爱,所以一直爱得卑微,可以为了partner做几乎任何事。. 而和康奈尔兜兜转转的感情,让她越来越有自我价值感。. 康奈尔对玛丽安说,“Just because people treat you badly at times... it doesn't mean ...

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