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  1. Hace 2 días · Mannerheim oli itsenäisen Suomen toinen valtionhoitaja, kuudes presidentti ja sotien aikainen puolustusvoimien ylipäällikkö. Hän palveli Venäjän armeijassa, johti Suomen Punaista Ristiä ja perusti Mannerheimin lastensuojeluliiton.

  2. Hace 4 días · On 15 January, Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, a former Finnish general of the Imperial Russian Army, was appointed the commander-in-chief of the Civil Guards. The Senate appointed the Guards, henceforth called the White Guards, as the White Army of Finland.

  3. Hace 3 días · The right-wing government led by the Conservative Pehr Evind Svinhufvud fled to the western part of the country, where a counterattack was organized under the leadership of General Carl Gustaf Mannerheim. At the beginning of April the White Army under his command won the Battle of Tampere.

  4. Hace 2 días · Генерал-лейтенант русской армии (25 апреля 1917), генерал от кавалерии (7 марта 1918) финляндской армии, фельдмаршал (19 мая 1933), маршал Финляндии (только как почётное звание) (4 июня 1942), регент Королевства Финляндия с 12 декабря 1918 года по 26 июля 1919 года, президент Финляндии с 4 августа 1944 года по 11 марта 1946 года.

  5. Hace 4 días · Other justifications for the conflict include Finnish President Risto Ryti 's vision of a Greater Finland and Commander-in-Chief Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim 's desire to annex East Karelia. On 22 June 1941, the Axis invaded the Soviet Union.

  6. › wiki › Great_GameGreat Game - Wikipedia

    Hace 3 días · Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim also acted as a tsarist agent during the Great Game, leading an expedition through Tibet, Xinjiang, and Gansu on the way to Beijing.

  7. 16 de sept. de 2024 · Além disso, a Finlândia tinha um líder militar talentoso, o Marechal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, que desempenhou um papel vital na defesa do país. Mannerheim foi capaz de organizar as forças finlandesas de maneira eficaz, maximizando suas capacidades limitadas.