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  1. 23 de jun. de 2024 · Una entrevista imaginaria con Caravaggio, pintor italiano (1571-1610) Entorno: una taberna con poca luz en Roma. Una sola vela arroja sombras parpadeantes sobre el rostro desgastado de Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Toma una copa de vino turbio y te mira con una mezcla de sospecha y curiosidad.

  2. 29 de jun. de 2024 · In this work, Caravaggio, who in the first decade of the 17th century was the protagonist of a revolution in painting that started in Rome and spread all across Europe, displays a masterful naturalistic portrayal of still life.

  3. 29 de jun. de 2024 · The eight rooms on the first floor of the eastern wing of the Uffizi opened with a new layout devoted to Caravaggio and the painting of the 17th century on February 19, 2018. The names of the eight rooms are evocative: Between Reality and Magic; Caravaggio and Artemisia; Caravaggio: Medusa; Caravaggio: Bacchus; By Candlelight; Rembrandt and Rubens;

  4. 29 de jun. de 2024 · The painting illustrates the Old Testament passage in which God subjected Abraham to an extraordinary test of obedience by ordering him to sacrifice his only son Isaac.

  5. Hace 4 días · Source: Borghese Gallery, Rome. Caravaggio found success as an artist despite a childhood filled with instability and tragedy. At age six, he lost several family members to the bubonic plague, including his father. The death of a father in Baroque times was particularly impactful, as the father-son relationship was the primary means by which ...

  6. Hace 13 horas · The Brera, established in 1809, contains masterpieces by Canova, Caravaggio, Raphael and Hayez. The new museum in the nearby Palazzo Citterio has already drawn 30,000 visitors over three weeks for a temporary exhibition. Concerts are planned in the outdoor garden this summer.

  7. Hace 4 días · Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio nació en Milán (Italia) en 1571, y fue uno de los principales exponentes de la pintura barroca. Siempre buscó la intensidad efectiva a través de contrastes de claroscuro y rechazó la característica belleza ideal del Renacimiento, basada en normas estrictas, eligiendo, en cambio, el camino de la verdad y ...

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