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  1. Hace 4 días · Immer wieder sonntags: Museum lädt zu vier Stadtwanderungen ein. Sonderburg/Sønderborg Zwischen 1864 und 1920 hat das Deutsche Reich Sonderburg geprägt. Wo diese Spuren bis heute zu finden sind, zeigt das Deutsche Museum Nordschleswig mit vier Stadtführungen.

  2. 16 de jun. de 2024 · The tradition of calling Danish kings either Christian or Frederik only started in the early 16th century. The first Frederik was born in 1471 as son of King Christian I and his wife Dorothea von Brandenburg. He became Co-Duke of Schleswig and Holstein, together with his elder brother Hans, who died in 1513.

  3. Hace 19 horas · Auf Schloss Gravenstein wird im laufe des Sommers auch König Frrederiks Mutter, Margrethe II., erwartet. Das dänische Königspaar beginnt am Dienstag seinen Sommerurlaub auf Schloss Gravenstein ...

  4. Hace 4 días · The House of Oldenburg is an ancient dynasty of German origin whose members rule or have ruled in Denmark, Iceland, Greece, Norway, Russia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Livonia, Schleswig, Holstein, and Oldenburg.The current King of the United Kingdom and King of Norway are agnatic members of this house, meanwhile the King of Spain and King of Denmark are matrilineal members.

  5. 30 de jun. de 2024 · This chapter examines the Schleswig-Holstein issue, highlighting the complex historical conflict between Denmark and Germany from 1864 to 1920, and its resolution in 1955. It explores the origins and outcomes of two wars that led to Denmark's territorial loss and...

  6. Hace 19 horas · Abrahamsen har foreløbig været en af feltets mest iøjnefaldende ryttere i Tour de France. Ikke kun fordi den prikkede trøje er let at få øje på. I en første uge, hvor angrebslysten ellers har været beskeden, er Abrahamsen en af de få, der jævnligt har været i udbrud for at samle bjergpoint.

  7. 11 de jun. de 2024 · German-Danish War, (1864), the second of two conflicts over the settlement of the Schleswig-Holstein question, a complex of problems arising from the relationship of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein to Denmark, to each other, and to the German Confederation. Involved in it were a disputed.