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  1. William Holman Hunt uno de los fundadores de la Hermandad Prerrafaelita junto a Dante Gabriel Rossetti y John Everett Millais, que proponían un retorno a la sinceridad en el arte frente a los clichés de la pintura académica. Hunt fue quizás el más espiritual de los tres. William Hunt estudió, como sus colegas de hermandad, en la anquilosada Royal Academy, pero decidió dedicarse a ...

  2. William Holman Hunt (Londres, 2 de Abril de 1827 — Londres, 7 de Setembro de 1910) foi um pintor inglês e um dos fundadores da Irmandade Pré-Rafaelita.Suas pinturas eram notáveis por sua grande atenção aos detalhes, cores vivas e simbolismo elaborado. Essas características foram influenciadas pelos escritos de John Ruskin e Thomas Carlyle, segundo os quais o próprio mundo deve ser ...

  3. William Holman Hunt gained eminence initially as a founder member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Though the Brotherhood was short lived (some five years) Hunt remained true to its principles throughout his long career. A man of strong, some would say pious, Christian beliefs, Hunt was fastidious in his attention to picture detail and he ...

  4. William Holman Hunt, pseudonyme de William Hobman [2] Hunt, né à Londres le 2 avril 1827 et mort dans la même ville le 7 septembre 1910, est un peintre britannique. Il a fait partie des fondateurs de la confrérie des préraphaélites. Ce fut le seul peintre préraphaélite à rester fidèle au fondement de la confrérie jusqu'à sa mort.

  5. William Holman Hunt was a British artist and prominent member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. His style is characterized by clear, hard colour, brilliant lighting, and careful delineation of detail. In 1843 Hunt entered the Royal Academy schools where he met his lifelong friend, the painter John

  6. 威廉·霍尔曼·亨特(1827年4月2日—1910年9月7日),英国画家,拉斐尔前派创始人之一。1827年4月2日生于奇普赛德,父亲是商店的掌柜,不希望亨特学习绘画。所以亨特十六岁以后才接触油画,当时他一面画肖像画自谋生活,一面开始研究绘画。亨特经常模仿前人的作品,如15世纪意大利的一些名画 ...

  7. William Holman Huntby Paul RipleyHunt, a founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was born in London, the son of a warehouse manager. Throughout his life he was a devout Christian. He was also serious minded, & lacking in a sense of humour. Hunt joined the Royal Academy Schools in 1844, where he met Millais & Rossetti, &, in fact brought them together. In 1854 Hunt decided to visit the Holy ...

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