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  1. Owain ap Hywel (fallecido en 987) fue rey de Deheubarth al sur de Gales y probablemente también controló Powys.. Owain era uno de los tres hijos de Hywel el Bueno.A la muerte de Hywel, alrededor de 950, Owain, Rhodri, y Edwin dividieron sus tierras entre ellos según la ley galesa. Los hijos no fueron capaces de retener la hegemonía de Hywel sobre Gwynedd, que fue reclamado para la casa de ...

  2. Upon the death of his father King Owain ap Hywel Dda around 988, he also inherited the kingdoms of Gwynedd and Powys, which he had conquered for his father. He was counted among the Kings of the Britons by the Chronicle of the Princes. Maredudd was the younger son of King Owain ap Hywel Dda of Deheubarth and the grandson of King Hywel Dda.

  3. › wiki › Hywel_DdaHywel Dda - Wikipedia

    Hywel ap Cadell, commonly known as Hywel Dda, which translates to Howel the Good in English, was a Welsh king who ruled the southern Welsh kingdom of Deheubarth and eventually came to rule most of Wales.He became the sole king of Seisyllwg in 920 and shortly thereafter established Deheubarth, and proceeded to gain control over the entire country from Prestatyn to Pembroke.

  4. 9 de dic. de 2023 · Maredudd ab Owain (ap Hywel Dda) was a King of Deheubarth, and through conquest also of Gwynedd and Powys, kingdoms in medieval Wales--therefore de facto King of all Wales. As his father, Owain, grew too old to lead in battle, Maredudd took his place,. In 986 Maredudd captured Gwynedd from Cadwallon ab Ieuaf.

  5. Owain ap Hywel was king of Deheubarth in south Wales and probably also controlled Powys.

  6. 19 de feb. de 2020 · Hywel Dda King of Wales "Howel the Good" ap Cadell 887 ... Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of Owain Dda ap Hywell (207241797)? We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. Learn more about merges. Memorial ID. Invalid memorial. Please enter a valid Memorial ID.

  7. › wiki › Hywel_DdaHywel Dda - Wicipedia

    Hywel oedd mab y Brenin Cadell o Seisyllwg.Etifeddodd Hywel a’i frawd, Clydog, Geredigion ac Ystrad Tywi ar farwolaeth Cadell, ond bu farw Clydog ac felly etifeddodd deyrnas gyfan Seisyllwg (Ceredigion ac Ystrad Tywi) yn 920. Bu farw ei dad-yng-nghyfraith, Llywarch ap Hyfaidd, brenin Dyfed, tua 904, a thrwy ei briodas ag Elen, merch Llywarch ap Hyfaidd, merch y Brenin Llywarch o Ddyfed ...