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  1. Robert Falcon Scott (født 6. juni 1868 i Plymouth, England, død 29. marts 1912 på Rossbarrieren, Antarktis) var en britisk opdagelsesrejsende. Han ledede 1901-04 Discovery-ekspeditionen til Antarktis, hvor han bl.a. undersøgte Rosshavet.. I 1910 drog han på endnu en sydpolarekspedition, Terra Nova-ekspeditionen, hvor på slæde sammen med fire ledsagere nåede Sydpolen en måned efter ...

  2. Robert Falcon Scott led the first British expedition. By the late 19th century, Antarctica was the last unexplored continent on earth. Western nations began to compete in its discovery, to gain knowledge and claim land. In 1900, the Norwegian explorer Carsten Borchgrevink reached latitude 78°50' south, less than 700 miles from the South Pole.

  3. Scott sent back the first supporting party of four men with the pole still more than 300 miles away. On the last day of December the two remaining sledge teams neared 87°S, which they celebrated with extra rations. On January 4, with 180 miles to go, Scott sent back the second supporting party–but with three men rather than four.

  4. Foto R. F. Scott – Tumba de Scott, Wilson y Bowers en Ross’s Wall 2012: El centenario de la expedición de Scott. En 2012, con motivo del centenario de la llegada de Robert Falcon Scott al Polo Sur, se celebraron conmemoraciones y actos en Inglaterra y en todo el mundo. Con los años, los sentimientos hacia la aventura de Scott han ido ...

  5. A Zhihu column where you can write freely and express yourself, discussing topics such as the death of heroes.

  6. Robert Falcon Scott werd vooral bekend door zijn poging om als eerste mens de geografische zuidpool te bereiken. In 1911 vertrekt hij met zijn schip de Terra Nova vvoor zijn expeditie naar de zuidpool. Onderweg ontving hij een telegram van de Roald Amundsen. De Noor vertelde hem dat ook hij op reis was naar de zuidpool. Scott had dus concurrentie.

  7. Scott’s expedition to the South Pole. Robert Falcon Scott had attempted to reach the South Pole once before in 1902 but his party were forced to turn back due to ill health and sub-zero conditions. It was always Scott’s intention to return and, with the support of the British Admiralty and the government, he secured a grant of £20,000.