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  1. Bill Drayton (Nueva York, EE.UU., 1943) estudió en el Harvard College, en el Balliol College de la Universidad de Oxford y se graduó en la Yale Law School en 1970. ... Drayton acuñó entonces el término de emprendedor social para describir a aquellos individuos que combinan los métodos pragmáticos y orientados a resultados de un ...

  2. Bill Drayton founded Ashoka in 1980 based on the idea that the most powerful force for good in the world is a social entrepreneur: a person driven by an innovative idea that can help correct an entrenched global problem. The world’s leading social entrepreneurs pursue system-changing solutions that permanently alter existing patterns of activity.

  3. 26 de jun. de 2008 · In this fourth (and last) interview with Global X, Bill Drayton addresses a key question: How can one be an effective social entrepreneur?"First, you have to...

  4. A história da Ashoka. O americano Bill Drayton fundou a Ashoka em 1980 com o objetivo de potencializar as transformações sociais por meio do reconhecimento e do apoio a empreendedoras e empreendedores sociais inovadores, com perspectiva de escala de seu impacto social positivo. Um ano depois, na Índia, a Ashoka abriu seu primeiro ...

  5. 31 de jul. de 2020 · Bill Drayton es conocido como el padre del emprendimiento social, ya que fue él quien acuñó el término “emprendedor social” para referirse a las personas que, de manera innovadora, resuelven problemas importantes en la sociedad. Hace más de 30 años, ...

  6. 1.) Find Comfort in Change. The pace of change is accelerating. To be sure, the world has always been in flux. But the increase is now truly exponential. As Drayton explains, “change begets change as much as repetition reinforces repetition.”. A successful social entrepreneur accepts the dynamism of the world around them and understands ...

  7. Bill Drayton is a social entrepreneur with a long record of founding organizations and public service. As a student, he founded organizations ranging from Yale Legislative Services to Harvard’s Ashoka Table, an inter-disciplinary weekly forum in the social sciences. After graduation from Harvard, he received an M.A. from Balliol College in ...