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  1. The Great Britain Historical GIS (or GBHGIS) is a spatially enabled database that documents and visualises the changing human geography of the British Isles, although is primarily focussed on the subdivisions of the United Kingdom mainly over the 200 years since the first census in 1801.The project is currently based at the University of Portsmouth, and is the provider of the website A Vision ...

  2. E-learning tutorials. Information on various themes; the background to the data within our site, how we use it and hints on where you should look to find out more: Agricultural Change and the Land Utilisation Surveys. Franchise Reform and changing constituencies. Numbering the People - the history of census taking. Travelling through a changing ...

  3. 21 de ago. de 2013 · The proportion of primary-aged children in mainstream schools has risen by over five per cent since 1995 to an estimated 68 per cent in 2012. For secondary-aged learners, there has been a six per cent increase to 60 per cent of young people with vision impairment in mainstream schools in 2012. The most dramatic change, however, has been seen in ...

  4. Met reg. In addition to his TV-documentary, A vision of Britain, the Prince of Wales stresses the need to preserve the character of towns and cities, the desirability of reviewing existing planning laws and the importance of providing an architecture which people really want, and which is on a human scale. He emphasises the positive side of contemporary architecture and expands upon the idea ...

  5. A vision of Britain FRANCIS TIBBALDS TPR, 60 (4) 1989 A review article* In the past five years or so, the Prince of Wales has successfully challenged the accepted protocol whereby a chap who has inherited massive privileges is expected to play a rather passive role. He has instead spoken out bravely on a number of

  6. This is the web's largest collection of historical British travel writing. For what they said about your town or village, search by place-name from our main home page. Select an author from our gallery below to learn more, and to read their book "cover-to-cover". Click on place-names within the text to find out more about the places they ...

  7. Summary. The Prince of Wales gives his views on the buildings in the United Kingdom. [1] Documentary. Before the book was released, a BBC documentary was made called HRH Prince Of Wales: A Vision Of Britain.In the documentary the Prince visited buildings in the UK including in Birmingham City Centre and gave his views on the buildings. [2]