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  1. 19 de nov. de 2023 · Fabian Bachrach/Getty Images. While Maria Shriver's mother was born into what would later become a political family, Eunice Kennedy was not interested in entering politics herself. Maria's father, on the other hand, did work in politics for several years. Sargent Shriver was born in Maryland in 1915 to Robert Shriver Sr. and Hilda Shriver.

  2. In 1953, Shriver married Eunice Kennedy, sister of John F. Kennedy. During their years in Chicago in the late 1950s, he served as the head of the Chicago School Board and the Catholic Interracial Council. In these roles, he addressed America’s racial conflicts by leading successful efforts to integrate Chicago’s public and parochial school ...

  3. Eunice Kennedy Shriver was born in Brookline, MA at her family’s second home, just several blocks away from the JFK Birthplace. Eunice began her education in the Public Schools of Brookline and later graduated from Stanford University. She had strong political instincts and played pivotal roles in the campaigns of her brothers Jack, Bobby, and Ted, and husband, Sargent Shriver.

  4. Il centenario dalla nascita di Eunice Kennedy Shriver infonde rinnovata energia per un futuro sempre più inclusivo Oggi, 10 Luglio 2021, ricorre il centenario dalla nascita di una straordinaria donna visionaria: Eunice Kennedy Shriver, la Fondatrice del Movimento Special Olympics nel mondo, colei che per prima ha osservato come le persone con disabilità intellettive, se

  5. The Safe to Sleep ® campaign, led by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in collaboration with other agencies and organizations, educates parents and caregivers about ways to protect babies during sleep by reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related deaths. It began in 1994 as the Back to Sleep ...

  6. 10 de dic. de 2019 · NICHD was founded in 1962 to investigate human development throughout the entire life process, with a focus on understanding disabilities and important events that occur during pregnancy. Since then, research conducted and funded by NICHD has helped save lives, improve wellbeing, and reduce societal costs associated with illness and disability. NICHD’s mission is to lead research and ...

  7. Eunice Kennedy Shriver (1921–2009) var en av søstrene til avdøde president John F. Kennedy og svigermor til Arnold Schwarzenegger.. Hun ble gift med Robert Sargent Shriver i 1953 og fikk med han fem barn, hvorav datteren Maria Shriver (født 1955), gift med Arnold Schwarzenegger, er den mest kjente.. I 1960-årene var hun med å stiftet Special Olympics, inspirert av sin psykisk ...