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  1. A man lures a babysitter to a house with an unusually large sum of money.

  2. The House of the Devil. Directed by Ti West. 2010 English 95min TV-MA. A stranger lures a babysitter to a house with an unusually large sum of money. But when she arrives, Samantha doesn’t find any kids. Just a large and very creepy house, that may not be as empty as it seems. Indie horror director Ti West (THE INNKEEPERS) made his mark with ...

  3. 31 de oct. de 2009 · The House of the Devil Seguir La Casa del Diablo (2009-10-30T14:00:00+00:00) The House of the Devil. En algún momento indeterminado de los años 80, una joven estudiante, Samantha Hughes, acepta un trabajo como canguro que coincide con una eclipse lunar. Pronto se da cuenta de que sus clientes ocultan un temible secreto...

  4. 30 de oct. de 2009 · The House of the Devil is essentially an 80's movie that was released in 2009. It has all the zoom shots, freeze frames, occult themes, and blood that you'd expect from one while not succumbing to the cheap jump scares and bad CGI that's present in many of today's horror films. The movie is about a college student who takes a babysitting job ...

  5. 23 de nov. de 2013 · The House of the Devil (Dir. Ti West)

  6. Фильм представляет из себя рекламу некоего загородного дома у кладбища, ибо всё, что не дом – скучно, впрочем, и дом не лучше. Большую часть времени в центре экрана мы наблюдаем пятую точку ...

  7. 30 de oct. de 2009 · Sam (Donahue) is a pretty college sophomore, so desperate to earn some cash for a deposit on an apartment that she accepts a babysitting job even after she finds out there is no baby. Mr. and Mrs ...