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  1. Description: Level 13 is a seemingly infinite apartment building with an extremely high number of floors. 1 Within each floor, there are many small residences, each with a number on the door. These numbers are in a system where it lists the floor, the section of the floor, and the apartment number. 2 The current design of the building is ...

  2. 》不安全 》未勘探完全 》实体数量中等 Level -13,也被称为"无止境之河",是后室负数楼层的第13层。 这个楼层被分为两部分: "河域" 与 "林域" 。 河域区域就像一条规则的、蜿蜒的河流,长度不详,有砾石海滩。每个看到它的人似乎都对其进行了不同的描述——有人说里面流淌的是杏仁水,而另外 ...

  3. 14 de ene. de 2023 · Level 0 - Backrooms Level 1 - Habitable Zone (Skin-Stealers) Level 2 - The Hub Level 3 - Habitable Zone ... Level 13: There is an entity, but it cannot see you. You are capable of being close to it, but if it touches you, you die. Collect 24 tapes AFTER turning on the computer. The lights will go out, and sanity drains at a moderate pace.

  4. Level 13看起来似乎是一栋极高的公寓楼。 1 每一层里有着很多的小房间,每个房间的门上都有着一串数字。数字代表着对应房间的楼层,区域以及号码。 2 建筑的设计与八十年代的类型相仿,每一层的走廊都是白色的墙壁,地上铺着棕色图案的地毯。

  5. A precipitação no nível 13 é um fenômeno de hora em hora e, ocasionalmente, tempestades podem ocorrer em cada semana específica. O ciclo dia e noite no nível é arbitrário, não possuindo nenhum padrão perceptível; a duração da luz do dia e do anoitecer é desordenada, o que é ostensivamente determinado pelo próprio nível.

  6. Level 13 is a seemingly infinite apartment building with an extremely high number of floors.1 Within each floor, there are many small residences, each with a number on the door. These numbers are in a system where it lists the floor, the section of the floor, and the apartment number.2 The current design of the building is similar to that of typical 1980's architecture. The walls in the ...

  7. The Backrooms の階層の一覧です。 無印通常階層の一覧へ。 通常階層 η の一覧へ。 Level PL-0: "Boilery" (ボイラー) Level PL-1: "Tunele Steampunk" (スチームパンクなトンネル) Level PL-2: "Nostalgiczne blokowisko" (望郷の団地) Level PL-3: "Kosmiczna Otchłań" (宇宙の深淵) Level PL-4: "Dublin" (ダブリン) Level PL-5: "Wentylacja"(換気口 ...