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  1. 6 de ene. de 2022 · Although Takashi Murakami’s art typically appears happy and bright at first glance, the artist expertly wields cartoony symbols and fantastical imagery to make larger statements on topics such as technology, violence, and history. Murakami was born in Tokyo on February 1, 1962.

  2. 22 de dic. de 2022 · Flowers Flowers Flowers, 2010, by Takashi Murakami, via Unit London. Abundant flowers are one of Takashi Murakami’s most iconic emblems. He has developed a distinctive brand of flowers with smiley faces and multi-colored petals, and created a huge range of paraphernalia featuring these cheeky, cheerful characters, from fashion merchandise to wallpapers and works of art.

  3. Takashi Murakami est né à Tokyo dans l'arrondissement de Itabashi. Son père est chauffeur de taxi et Takashi Murakami grandit dans une certaine pauvreté. Après des études secondaires au lycée de Hongō, il rêve de devenir animateur de dessins animés. Ayant réussi l'examen d'entrée à l'Université des Arts de Tokyo, il s'inscrit dans ...

  4. En 2014, Takashi Murakami: Ciclo Arhat se presentó en el Palazzo Reale de Milán en 2014 y, en la Gagosian Gallery de Nueva York, In the Land of the Dead, Stepping on the Tail of a Rainbow, en la que pudieron verse los temas que el autor ha desarrollado en los últimos años acerca del origen de las religiones.

  5. Takashi Murakami (村上 隆, Murakami Takashi?, nascido em Tóquio) é um prolífico artista japonês contemporâneo cujo trabalho abrange tanto a pintura quando as mídias digitais. Licenciou-se pela Universidade Nacional de Belas Artes e Música de Tóquio obtendo a graduação em Nihonga (pintura tradicional japonesa). Entrou no mundo da ...

  6. 3 de feb. de 2024 · 現代美術の最前線で活躍する村上隆の国内8年ぶりの大規模個展であり、京都を舞台に、新たに描きおろした超大作をはじめ、代表的なシリーズ、国内初公開となる作品など、大多数が新作となる約170点で構成される新・村上ワールドです。ぜひご期待ください。

  7. Takashi Murakami (村上 隆, Murakami Takashi, born February 1, 1962) is a Japanese contemporary artist. He works in fine arts media (such as painting and sculpture) as well as commercial media (such as fashion, merchandise, and animation) and is known for blurring the line between high and low arts. He coined the term "superflat", which ...

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