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  1. Continuous. Present. I am getting up. you are getting up. he/she/it is getting up. we are getting up. they are getting up. you are getting up.

  2. Conjugação do verbo get up em todos os tempos verbais, modos e pessoas. Procure a definição e a tradução em contexto para “ get up ”, com exemplos de uso extraídos de comunicações reais. Conjugue também: obtain , run , complain , review , build , pump , finish , capitalise , reconnect , inflate

  3. 13 de feb. de 2020 · Negaciones en presente simple en inglés. Como dije, para negar en presente simple, lo único es colocar el auxiliar don’t o doesn’t – según la persona – después del sujeto. Luego, el verbo va en infinitivo… pero ten en cuenta que en muchos casos, el verbo en presente simple es igual al infinitivo (aparte de con he, she e it .)

  4. they will be getting. Present perfect continuous. I have been getting. you have been getting. he/she/it has been getting. we have been getting. you have been getting. they have been getting. Past perfect continuous.

  5. you had not been getting. he/she/it had not been getting. we had not been getting. you had not been getting. they had not been getting. Future perfect continuous. I will not have been getting. you will not have been getting. he/she/it will not have been getting.

  6. Existen 4 reglas del present simple. Las primeras dos afectan a la tercera persona, mientras las últimas dos afectan a todos los sujetos y conjugaciones. Son las siguientes: A los verbos en present simple en la forma afirmativa se les agrega una -s al final. En las formas negativa e interrogativa no llevan -s. 1.1.

  7. Practique el verbo levantarse en el simple presente en inglés.