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  1. Break out. Significado 1: Empezar algo de repente. Es un phrasal verb separable. Significado 2: Escaparse. Es un phrasal verb separable. Ejemplos: The fire must have broken out during the night. He broke out in a sweat. The prisoners broke out easily from the prison.

  2. 10 de may. de 2022 · Si buscas una definición como tal, un breakdown sería algo así como una ruptura de la velocidad del ritmo para que de manera abrupta pase a ir más lento y denso. Pero hay muchas maneras de hacerlo y pocas de conseguirlo a la perfección. Para ello hemos pedido al cantante Kyle Medina, de la banda de deathcore de Florida Bodysnatcher, que ...

  3. BREAK DOWN Significado BREAK DOWN: 1. If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working: 2. If a system, relationship, or…. Aprender más.

  4. guasto nm. panne, rottura nf. Mary had a breakdown on the way to work, which caused her to be late. Mary ha avuto un guasto alla macchina, perciò è arrivata tardi al lavoro. breakdown n. (chemical decomposition) degrado, decomposizione nf. In just a few days, the breakdown of the cell structure was apparent.

  5. Phrasal Verbs : to break down. Our car broke down while we were driving to the supermarket. Nuestro coche se estropeó mientras íbamos al supermercado. After days of negotiations, the talks broke down. Después de varios días de negociaciones, el diálogo se rompió. The firemen had to break down the door to get into the house.

  6. 1. general. break down (también: collapse, fail, fall apart, fall down, fizzle, flop, flunk, strike out, fold, fall flat) volume_up. fracasar [ fracasando|fracasado] {vb} more_vert. Time and time again, peace accords seem to break down because of mutual suspicion and the breaking of agreements by both sides.

  7. The question can be broken down into two parts. → breakdown → break → Ver Tabla de verbos Ejemplos desde el Corpus break down • A mechanical breakdown during the race would mean defeat. • Firemen had to break the door down. • Open the door now or we'll break it down! • She was late for the meeting because her car broke down.