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  1. Sigurd Syr Halfdansson - King of Norway Sigurd Syr From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Sigurd Syr (Old Norse: Sigurðr Sýr) (died c. 1018) was a Norwegian petty king of Ringerike, a region in Buskerud.

  2. Sigurd Syr Halfdansson (sometimes spelled "Halvdansson") (c. 970-1018) was a great-grandson of Harald I of Norway. He was subking of Ringerike, an ancient territory in the county of Buskerud, southern Norway. Sigurd was stepfather of King Olaf Haraldsson and father of Harald III of Norway.1. Sigurd Syr was baptized into the Christian faith in 988.

  3. 18 de feb. de 2022 · Born in 1015, son of the chieftain Sigurd Syr, he soon experienced warfare – already as a 15-year old, he participated in the Battle of Stiklestad. His constant participation in battles continued until he died in the Norwegian invasion of England in 1066. Many experts see his death as the end of the Viking Age. Personal life and striking ...

  4. Han hjälpte sin styvson Olav 'den helige' att vinna herradömet efter slagetvid Nesjar. (Källa: Kjell Høyer, Norge)Av Hårfagreætten var også småkongen Sigurd (Halfdansson) Syr (965/970-1018) vel 100 år senere. Han fikk tilnavnet Syr - gris - fordi han gikk og stelte med jordene sine på Stein - noe som var uvanligi de tider - framfor å ...

  5. Fra norsk Wikipedia: «Småkongen Sigurd Syr (død ca. 1018) knyttes av sagaen til en storgård på Ringerike, men er kanskje best kjent som stefar til Olav den Hellige (995-1030) og far til Harald Hardråde (1015-1066), som begge ble konger over Norge på 1000-tallet. Sigurd Syr var sønn til Halvdan Sigurdsson. Ifølge sagaen var han ...

  6. This article is about The Third Son of Ragnar Lothbrok. For Rangnar's Father, see Sigurd Hring. Sigurd Ragnarsson, also known as Sigurd "Snake-in-the-Eye," is the third son of Ragnar and Aslaug. Aslaug had prophesied that he would be born with the image of the serpent-dragon Fafnir in his eye, the same one her father Sigurd killed. When he was born so, Aslaug named him "Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye ...