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  1. Mary Robinson concerned at lack of progress on AI safety. News. Long-view leadership & climate justice: how Brazil can lead the world. 07 Jun 2024. On 28 May in São Paulo the Elders and distinguished guests met to discuss how Brazil can mobilise the world to deliver bold, just and equitable solutions to the climate and nature crisis.

  2. Mary Robinson served as president of Ireland from 1990 to 1997 and as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002. She was awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama in 2009 and served as the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region of Africa. Since 2018, Robinson has been Chair of The ...

  3. Mary Robinson is a founding member of The Elders and was appointed Chair in November 2018 following the death of Kofi Annan. She makes it a priority to bring the concerns of ordinary people to the international stage and is a globally recognised voice on climate change and the intersectionality of the climate emergency: from intergenerational injustice to gender inequality and biodiversity loss.

  4. The Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice. A centre for thought leadership, education and advocacy on the struggle to secure global justice for those people vulnerable to the impacts of climate change who are usually forgotten – the poor, the disempowered and the marginalised across the world. It is a platform for solidarity ...

  5. Mary Robinson has been a member of The Elders since the group was founded in 2007 and makes it a priority to bring the concerns of ordinary people to the global stage. She has travelled to the Middle East several times with The Elders to encourage peace efforts and support Israelis and Palestinans working for peaceful coexistence; visited.

  6. Presidency of Mary Robinson. Mary Robinson served as President of Ireland between 1990 and 1997. Ireland's first female president, Robinson was exceptionally popular in her role, becoming the most popular president in Irish history. Prior to her election, Robinson served seven terms as a senator, and concurrent with her time in Seanad Éireann ...

  7. Mary Robinson (irlandès Maire Mhic Roíbin) (Béal an Átha, Comtat de Mayo 1944), nascuda Mary Therese Bourke, és una política irlandesa, la primera dona a presidir el seu país. Filla de dos metges de família protestant protestant, va estudiar Dret al Trinity College de Dublín, on va graduar-se el 1967. Va estudiar també a King's Inn ...