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  1. 2 de abr. de 2024 · The RStudio publishing icon. The blue publishing icon is present in the following locations: The upper right of the file editor. The document Viewer pane when viewing a document. The embedded Viewer when running a Shiny application. The Plots pane.

  2. RStudio Connect accepts publishing Shiny applications, R Markdown documents, plots, graphs, websites, TensorFlow models, Jupyter Notebooks, Plumber APIs, and Quarto documents and projects. The blue publishing icon in the RStudio IDE indicates built-in support for publishing this piece of content.

  3. The blue Publishing icon in RStudio indicates built-in support for publishing this piece of content. You can find the blue Publishing icon in the following locations: The upper right of the file editor. The document viewer when viewing a document. The embedded viewer when running a Shiny application. The Plots pane. Note.

  4. Publishing your documents and applications from the RStudio IDE to RStudio Connect is extremely easy. Once you are happy with your work and ready to publish, simply click the 'Publish' button in the Code pane or the rendered document, and follow the steps in the deployment wizard.

  5. 16 de ene. de 2019 · This article describes how to create icon in R with transparent background from a ggplot. Contents: Prerequisites. Load ggplot2 and create a helper theme for ggplot icon: library (ggplot2) # Helper theme for ggplot icon . theme_icon <- function () { theme_void() + . theme( panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA ), .

  6. General Publishing Instructions. RStudio Connect accepts publishing Shiny applications, R Markdown documents, plots, graphs, websites, TensorFlow models, Jupyter Notebooks, Plumber APIs, and Quarto documents and projects. The blue publishing icon in the RStudio IDE indicates built-in support for publishing this piece of content.

  7. The icons package for R makes adding web icons to reports, presentations and apps easy. It integrates many popular icon libraries from around the web with a simple interface that works with any rmarkdown output format.