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  1. Burt Burtonberguer: Papá, necesito practicar artes marciales. Coop a Burt. Coop y Burt se llevan muy bien, ya que tienen una fuerte relación basada en intereses comunes y la comprensión propia de Burt de lo que es la vida con un niño de 10 años.

  2. When 10-year old Coops spoiled little sister Millie brings home a mysterious stray cat his idyllic life is turned upside-down...

  3. Although sometimes seems that they get along, they still sometimes fight. Coop believes Kat to be pure evil and is desperate for a way to prove both Kat's trudevious intentions. Coop is shown to be able to match up to Kat in a fistfight, first shown in The Allergy despite Kat's abilities.

  4. The two battle daily as Coop tries to warn others of Mr. Kat's evil, only to find his evidence destroyed by him and deemed a fool. The only one who believes Coop is his best friend Dennis, who often aids him in fighting Kat; they are later joined by Fiona, Coop's love interest, in the second season.

  5. 19 de feb. de 2019 · But Kat ensures that he crosses the line over and over. 🐈 Oh Me-Oh Meow! 🐈 Kat ends up with a conditioning collar to curb his demanding meows but turns the tables by attaching it to an ...

  6. 28 de ago. de 2022 · When 10-year-old Coops spoiled little sister Millie brings home a mysterious stray cat his idyllic life is turned upside-down. It turns out that this is no cat at all, but rather a malevolent space alien who just happens to look like a cat.

  7. Kid vs. Kat. Cuando Millie, la hermanita malcriada de Coop, de 10 años, trae a casa un misterioso gato callejero, la idílica vida de Coop da un vuelco total. Resulta que este no es en absoluto un gato, sino más bien un alienígena malévolo que parece un gato.