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  1. Find out the names and locations of all 54 independent states in Africa, from Algeria to Zimbabwe. Learn about the continent's geography, history, culture and attractions.

  2. This is a list of the current 54 African countries sorted by population, which is sorted by normalized demographic projections from the most recently available census or demographic data. Africa is the fastest growing continent, currently increasing by 2.35% per year as of 2021.

  3. This is a list of sovereign states and dependent territories in Africa. It includes fully recognised states, states with limited or zero recognition, and dependent territories of both African and non-African states.

  4. Malta y partes de Francia, Italia, Portugal y España están ubicadas en la placa continental africana, algunas considerablemente más cerca de la parte continental de África que de Europa, pero políticamente generalmente se consideran europeas por convención.

  5. Find out how many countries are in Africa and their current population and subregion based on the United Nations official statistics. See the full list of 54 countries in Africa and their dependencies or other territories.

  6. 2 de ago. de 2022 · Africa is a continent with clearly defined borders and 54 independent countries. The largest African country is Algeria, occupying around 7% of the continent’s territory. Seychelles is the smallest African country, occupying 115 islands stretching along the mainland’s eastern coast.

  7. 55 African countries, 54 sovereign African states plus the territory of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, are members of the African Union, a federation of African nations established in 2001 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.