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  1. University Symbol. The Eagle Statue was erected using funds contributed by students to construct the figuration of the eagle, a symbol of Yonsei, on campus. The Unveiling Ceremony was held on May 9th of 1970 which was the 85th anniversary of founding of Yonsei.

  2. Signature. Yonsei Mascot/Emblem. The " ㅇ " and " ㅅ " in the University arms are derived from the first letters of " 연세 " ("Yonsei" in Korean). The circle " ㅇ " represents the ideal of a complete and well-rounded person, while the " ㅅ " symbolizes the upward-looking pursuit for scholarly excellence.

  3. Universidad Yonsei Logo. La Universidad Yonsei (연세대학교 (延世大學校)) es una universidad privada de investigación, ubicada en las ciudades Seúl, Wonju y Songdo, en Corea del Sur. Fundada en 1885, es una de las universidades más antiguas de ese país.

  4. pantone 281c : cmyk c100 m72 y0 k38; pantone 660c : cmyk c91 m60 y0 k0; pantone 432c : cmyk c0 m0 y28 k79; pantone 7543c : cmyk c13 m0 y0 k33; pantone 123c : cmyk c0 m30 y94 k0

  5. Yonsei University (Korean: 연세대학교; Hanja: 延世大學校) is a Christian private university in Seoul, South Korea. It is part of the SKY universities. The university was established in January 1957 through the union of Yonhi College (연희전문학교; 延禧專門學校) and Severance Union Medical College (세브란스 의과대학 ...

  6. El actual escudo distintivo de la Universidad de Chile fue fijado por Decreto Universitario del 13 de diciembre de 1991 y es uno de los emblemas oficiales, junto a la bandera y el himno, reconocidos en el artículo 5º del Estatuto (Decreto con Fuerza de ley Nº3, de 10 de marzo de 2006).

  7. Yonsei University, established in 1885 as the first Western institution of learning in Korea, is the leading university located in the heart of Seoul.