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  1. To create a Lambda function that queries your Amazon Redshift cluster, follow these steps: 1. Open the Lambda console. 2. Choose Create function. 3. Choose the Author from Scratch option. 4. Update the following fields: Function name: Enter a custom name. Runtime: Enter your code environment.

  2. Invoke a Lambda function from a browser; Use API Gateway to invoke a Lambda function; Use Step Functions to invoke Lambda functions; Use scheduled events to invoke a Lambda function

  3. Creating an Amazon Redshift cluster. This example demonstrates how to create an Amazon Redshift cluster using the AWS SDK for JavaScript. For more information, see CreateCluster. Important. The cluster that you are about to create is live (and not running in a sandbox).

  4. 1 de abr. de 2019 · I was able to connect AWS-Lambda to Redshift importing 'node-redshift' module into the Lambda Function. The most important thing while creating lambda layer try to make the layer for 'node-redshift' package for version nodejs10.x.

  5. Para crear una función de Lambda que consulte su clúster de Amazon Redshift, siga estos pasos: 1. Abra la consola de Lambda. 2. Elija Crear función. 3. Elija la opción Crear desde cero. 4. Actualice los siguientes campos: Nombre de la función: Introduzca un nombre personalizado. Tiempo de ejecución: Introduzca su entorno de código.

  6. Amazon Redshift can use custom functions defined in AWS Lambda as part of SQL queries. You can write scalar Lambda UDFs in any programming languages supported by Lambda, such as Java, Go, PowerShell, Node.js, C#, Python, and Ruby.

  7. Invoke a Lambda function from a browser; Use API Gateway to invoke a Lambda function; Use Step Functions to invoke Lambda functions; Use scheduled events to invoke a Lambda function