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  1. Alphamon is a mysterious Digimon and supporting antagonist in Digimon Adventure tri.. Alphamon is King Drasil's silent enforcer, carrying out its master's desire to purify the Digital World by exploiting the Libra. It is the 'Aloof Hermit' who aims to put to death the other Holy Knights. [1]

  2. Alphamon is #251, and is a Mega-level, Balance-class, Dragon-species Digimon with a resistance to the Holy and Fire elements and a weakness to the Dark element. It possesses the Health 200%, Dodge Dance, Assassin's Arm, and Super Rich traits.

  3. Alphamon es un Digimon Tipo Caballero Santo de Nivel Definitivo, cuyo nombre proviene de "Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega " ("ἐγὼ τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω" Egō to Alpha kai to Omega), por lo que mientras que Alphamon representa el inicio Omegamon representa el fin.

  4. Digimon Adventure tri. It first appears in "Reunion" via flashback in which it defeats Motomiya Daisuke, Inoue Miyako, Hida Iori, and Ichijouji Ken in the Digital World. It makes a brief appearance in the Real World when its hand appears through a portal at Haneda Airport to destroy a Kuwagamon that was about to land a finishing blow on Garurumon.

  5. 24 de nov. de 2018 · Digimon Mysteries & Enigmas 14th: Alphamon's goal (Tri) Tri never states what was Alphamon's goal, or what was it doing... Is there any answer for this?

  6. Alphamon es un Digimon de nivel Mega que pertenece al grupo de los Caballeros Reales, una orden de trece Digimons que protegen el Mundo Digital. Su primera aparición se da en 'Digimon Chronicle', aunque posteriormente ha sido parte de varias series y películas dentro del universo Digimon.

  7. Al día siguiente aparece un misterioso Digimon caballero de color negro conocido como Alphamon (probablemente, el que derrotó a los chicos de 02 ) y parece estar apuntando a Meicoomon, el Digimon que acompaña a Meiko Mochizuki, una nueva chica que ha sido trasladada a la clase de Tai.