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  1. 19 de jun. de 2024 · John Brown, militant American abolitionist and veteran of Bleeding Kansas whose raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859 and subsequent execution made him an antislavery martyr and was instrumental in heightening sectional animosities that led to the American Civil War.

  2. 2 de dic. de 2021 · Convertido en el más legendario abolicionista de Estados Unidos, John Brown empleó todos los métodos a su alcance, incluido el derramamiento de sangre, para luchar contra esta lacra social. Héroe para unos y loco fanático para otros, Brown acabó sus días en la horca, en 1859, sin poder ver cumplido su sueño.

  3. 2 de abr. de 2014 · John Brown was a 19th-century militant abolitionist known for his raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859.

  4. 27 de oct. de 2009 · John Brown was a militant abolitionist whose violent raid on the U.S. military armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, was a flashpoint in the pre-Civil War era.

  5. John Brown. Title Radical Abolitionist. Date of Birth - Death May 9, 1800 - December 2, 1859. Born in Torrington, Connecticut, John Brown belonged to a devout family with extreme anti-slavery views. He married twice and fathered twenty children.

  6. The connection between John Brown's life and many of the slave uprisings in the Caribbean was clear from the outset. Brown was born during the period of the Haitian Revolution , which saw Haitian slaves revolting against the French.

  7. Timeline of John Brown's Life. John Brown's wife Mary Day with two of her daughters. 1800, May: John Brown is born in Torrington, Connecticut. His father, Owen, a strict Calvinist,...