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  1. Sarah Churchill had an influential role during the reign of Queen Anne (pictured). In 1702, William III died, and Anne became queen. Anne immediately offered John Churchill a dukedom, which Sarah initially refused.

  2. Sarah Churchill, duquesa de Marlborough, princesa de Mindelheim y condesa de Nellenburg (de soltera Jenyns) (5 de junio de 1660-18 de octubre de 1744) fue una cortesana inglesa que llegó a ser una de las mujeres más influyentes de su tiempo gracias a su estrecha amistad con la Reina Ana de Gran Bretaña. Antes de la ascensión al trono de la ...

  3. 13 de jun. de 2020 · Estos son los títulos con los que Sarah Churchill ejerció en la corte de la reina Ana Estuardo. Pero Sarah, convertida en duquesa de Marlborough por su matrimonio con John Churchill, fue algo más que una dama en palacio.

  4. 22 de feb. de 2019 · After Queen Anne died in 1714, Abigail Masham retired into private life—but her rival had a clever final act in store. Before she died at the age of 84, Sarah published her memoirs.

  5. 9 de ene. de 2019 · This was no different for the last of the Stuart monarchs, Queen Anne, who ruled from 1702-14. Her favourite for several decades, Sarah Churchill (née Jennings), rose to prominence through this connection, which raised the fortunes of her loved ones as well.

  6. 4 de dic. de 2018 · How did Lady Sarah and Queen Anne meet? Anne met Sarah Churchill (née Jennings) in the court of Anne's uncle, King Charles II, when she was around the age of 8 and Sarah was 13 (Vanity Fair). Sarah's father had been friends with Anne's father, James II, when he was still Duke of York.

  7. 28 de nov. de 2020 · Sarah Churchill Duchess of Marlborough, is a Churchillian epic story of a strong willed woman, and one of the most influential women of her time.