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  1. Presentado en 1905 en el tercer Salón de otoño, el Restaurante de la Machine en Bougival se une a obras de artistas que no tardarán en ser calificados de "fauves" por el crítico Louis Vauxcelles.

  2. Exhibited in 1905 at the third Salon d'Automne, The Restaurant "The Machine" at Bougival stood alongside the works of artists who were soon to be dubbed "Fauves" by the critic Louis Vauxelles. Niveau médian, Salle 67. Display the map. Artworks in the same room.

  3. Esta obra fauvista lleva el nombre de “El Restaurante De La Machine En Bougival” y su autor es Maurice Vlaminck. Principalmente lo que el pintor desea expresar en los cuadros fauvistas son sus sentimientos a través de los colores fuertes, chillones, vivos, llamativos y puros (sin mezclar) usando el verde como color predominante.

  4. Restaurant de la Machine at Bougival was painted in 1905, the break-through year for the Fauves which became the first actual movement and the first true innovation of the twentieth-century art.

  5. Restaurant de la Machine à Bougival va ser presentat el 1905 al tercer Saló de Tardor de París, pel que es va unir a les obres de diversos artistes que el crític Louis Vauxcelles qualificaria -amb gran fortuna posterior- de "fauves".

  6. 19 de feb. de 2021 · Inspired by a true story, Invincible recounts the last 48 hours in the life of Marc-Antoine Bernier, a 14-year-old boy on a desperate quest for freedom. ‘Restaurant de la Machine at Bougival’ was created by Maurice de Vlaminck in Fauvism style.

  7. Maurice de Vlaminck, Restaurant “La Machine” at Bougival. The painter turns his back on the river to depict a group of houses beside the Seine. The ramp on the right (with the lemon yellow gate) leads to the former buildings of the Machine controller.