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  1. 19 de abr. de 2022 · The quick answer is that “child” is a singular noun and “children” is a plural noun. “Children” is a plural noun even though it doesn’t have an -s. Even so, we must agree with the subject of the sentence (children) and use “are.”.

  2. children y cuando usar child. Muchos alumnos piensan que children es singular y childrens es plural. Pero no es el caso, es child (niño) y children (niños)

  3. Sustantivo plural al que se le añade -s. My dogs are in the garden. (Mis perros están en el jardín). Sustantivo singular al que se le agrega -es. The boxes are on the table. (Las cajas están sobre la mesa). Sustantivo irregular (child, children) The children are at school. (Los niños están en la escuela).

  4. People is o people are: el dilema de las traducciones literales. Las traducciones literales pueden prestar a confusión. Esto es lo que pasa en este caso: que la traducción de “gente” en inglés no existe. La palabra en inglés más parecida es people, pero no es exactamente lo mismo. Veamos la razón.

  5. 25 de may. de 2023 · When deciding whether to use the verb is or the verb are, look at whether the subject noun in the sentence is plural or singular. If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. The cat is eating all of his food. The cats are eating all of their food.

  6. 6 de ene. de 2023 · Using “is” and “are” in English correctly helps children to communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly and accurately, and it is a fundamental part of learning English grammar. By learning when to use “is” and “are,” children can express themselves more effectively and communicate more clearly with others.

  7. There are is the plural form of there is and there’s: There are two new buildings next to the school. They are both science buildings. In speaking and in some informal writing, we use there’s even when it refers to more than one. This use could be considered incorrect in formal writing or in an examination: