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  1. Charlie Murphy tells two stories about hanging out with Rick James – which also happen to be stories about beating up Rick James. (Contains strong language.)...

  2. Eddie Murphy's brother Charlie tells the tale of Rick James, an habitual line-stepper. About Chappelle’s Show: It’s not just a show – it’s a social phenomenon.

  3. Charlie Murphy recalls two strange brushes with celebrity: one with a basketball-playing Prince and another with a face-punching Rick James. (Contains strong...

  4. 11 de feb. de 2014 · Chappelle's Show, which was in the midst of its second season, aired an episode entitled "Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories," in which Eddie Murphy's brother Charlie...

  5. 12 de abr. de 2017 · Living in the shadow of your younger brother is always hard, but late comedian Charlie Murphy -- who passed away at age 57 -- managed to break out of the considerable one cast by his brother...

  6. 12 de abr. de 2017 · Chappelle played James in the reenactment, repeating the catchphrase, “I’m Rick James, bitch!” (James himself also appeared in the segment, adding his own commentary.)

  7. 13 de abr. de 2017 · Chappelle’s wigged, gold-toothed James rampages through Murphy’s 1980’s club recollections, smacking Charlie in the face as a gag, destroying a couch with muddy platform boots, and generally...